Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

July Recap

What's new... what's new...? Hmmmm...... besides everything? To start we survived the coldest July ever. We went from endless summer to endless autumn.

Miles - Favorite new word/phrase is Iennoo (sounds like I-N-O, translation I dunno). Miles - where are your shoes - Iennoo. Love to play kitty or puppy, complete with ankle licks. Favorite new sport - Racquetball. Not sure how good he is at that but his dad takes him. Accomplishments - pooped in the potty. Unfortunately, even a full sized candy bar reward was not enough to encourage a repeat performance.

Avery - Wishes that a giant would "stomp down all of the trees in Washington because there are too many and none of them are good for climbing". That's our little environmentalist!

Ben - Is scoping out these rivers here and hoping for some free time so he can slip away and see if what they have in them is as good as what everyone says. Oh yeah, about that free time - He started work.

He's been wanting a little pickup for a long time and finally got it. A 2002 Ford Ranger. The kids like riding in the little cab in back. And their mom likes it because it reminds her of the good old days and the truck his dad had when we started dating. And we're both glad to have a manual transmission back in the family again.

Me - Well, I got a cell phone. I know, welcome to the 21st century. That's what my sister told me anyway. You'd think that with a masters in management of technology that I would embrace all things technical. I don't - unless it's Tivo/DVR (or Caller ID - I like that too). All I learned is that technology advances too fast for any of us to humanly keep up with. In fact my degree became obsolete 6 months after I earned it. Ben actually got me a cell phone for Christmas about 6 years ago, to which I said thanks but no thanks and he gladly took it as his own. Since then we have shared one (yet another dichotomy - what Realtor doesn't have their OWN cell phone?). Digression alert (I love that one T-Mobile commercial -"it's a buyers market - it's a sellers market baby" "any closet can be a walk-in closet if you try hard enough" - hahaha. Anyone? Sara - I know you love that one too)

Personally,I just prefer the home land line with unlimited nationwide calling. When it rings I can hear it, I get great reception in all parts of my house, if the handsets missing I can page it, I don't have to worry about running out of minutes, I'm not tempted to talk and drive at the same time and frankly I like not being able to be reached at all times and I don't need another thing to remember to take with me when I walk out the door. Do I understand it's convenience and potential benefits in an emergency - yes...maybe. I'm not even going to mention brain tumors. Anyway, I have one whether or not I like it. Done. Don't be offended if I haven't given you the number. I still don't have it down quite yet. And chances of me actually being able to locate it if you would call me are slim. Why would I carry it around - it doesn't even take pictures.

Also - My Botox wore off. I was just starting to think I didn't need it. Actually I had forgotton completely that I had gotton it. I'm not planning on getting it again any time soon. But I enjoyed my disabled corrugator muscle while I had it.


sara said...

i do not like any realtor except you. i've been talking to a few just looking around for places to rent. annoying. they will tell you that anything is nice when they know darn well it's a dive! i think i'll need botox after this home search is over.

jen said...

wow, what do i say except i love what goes on inside your mind. your hilarious. so you finally gave in to the cell phone. hopefully it will grow on you and be a positive thing. for me i have to have it. it's a security thing. i think you will eventually love it...

Ashley Locke said...

You will probably become addicted to your cell phone. Just wait. You're going to get a blue tooth headset and wear it constantly and people will want to punch you! :) Did you really have Botox??

Erick & Norma said...

I never thought I'd be so attached to my cell phone and then I got the iPhone and I am now completely dependent on this marvelous technology, it has EVERYTHING! :)

amy said...

Too Funny!! You mention getting a brain tumor from a cell phone...then give an update about putting a foreign substance like botox in your face. Glad you decided not to do that again :) You are beautiful as is!!!! Always have been :)

Lynn said...

Touche Amy! Good point. ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG, I finally got botox. After being pregnant and breastfeeding for 4 years straight, I'm finally done and got to benefit from my Dermatologist husband! I love it! I actually like that the kids thinks I'm happy all the time! What a fun mom!! Hope you find yourself some more soon, not that you really needed it! Glad you're slowly settling in. We have 2 moves in the next two years but will get back to TX so I'm excited.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I finally got botox. After being pregnant and breastfeeding for 4 years straight, I'm finally done and got to benefit from my Dermatologist husband! I love it! I actually like that the kids thinks I'm happy all the time! What a fun mom!! Hope you find yourself some more soon, not that you really needed it! Glad you're slowly settling in. We have 2 moves in the next two years but will get back to TX so I'm excited.