Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Monday, April 28, 2008

It's comin'...


Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

I love the top picture! All I can think of is WILSON!!!

amy said...

at first I took this to mean that you two are having a 3rd kid...then I looked at the calendar, and realized that today is THE BIG day!!! Happy 30th Birthday Lynn, I believe that we are officially grown-ups now. Whoop Whoop!!

Erick & Norma said...

Welcome to the club Lynn! :) Happy Birthday!

Tarah said...

Happy Birthday! Haha I'm still 29.

alise said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Wish I were there for Hawaii 3-0 sounds bitchin' (sorry I couldn't resist)

Darcy and Shawn Patterson said...

Happy Birthday Lynn!! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you!! Have fun!

April said...

I love it! Happy Birthday. I'm sure you're busy making 30 look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Happy 30th Lynn! Hope it was memorable! At least w/ the botox there is no way you look over 20!!

Brady, Theresa, & Lily said...

Oh man:( i didn't catch the hint- I'm sorry. I even knew your birthday was on the 30th! Happy Late Birthday!!! I wish I was there!

Terese said...

Cute invite idea! Good luck with the big three-0. Let me know how it is, I'll be there in December.

Kathleen Ainsworth said...

How was the party? My kids are really into Lilo and Stitch lately and wondering if Avery speaks Hawaiian like Lilo. I keep telling them we'll have to call you. It'll be easier when you're on the main land. When's the big move?

Paola said...

Feliz Cumpleanios! Hope it was fun and memorable. Btw, I love your blog.

Tami said...

So this is a really late Happy B-day. I knew it was coming up, but I didn't know when. When you turned 29 I was in Hawaii. I wish you were turning 29 again. I always have trouble reading your blog, and it drives me CRAZY. You're on my top list of blogging sites and I've been going through Lynn withdrawals.