Just another day in Paradise.

Just another day in Paradise.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

a place for everything and everything in it's place.

Our 6,428 lbs of stuff was dropped off at our house today. I'm not sure what of it I have really missed these last few months. I am excited to have a bed again. An air mattress...no matter how "deluxe" it is just isn't that great. Especially when four people end up on it by morning (luckily we lose Ben somewhere around 4:30am so that frees up some space). As for the other 6,228 lbs ... I just don't know where to begin. Finding a place for some things, those we really need or love, is fun, like a giant puzzle. Challenging yet rewarding. But that still leaves a heck of a lot of stuff to find room for. We've been lucky to have good storage in all of the places we have lived, however minimal the square footage. Unfortunately, that means a lot of things get kept that should be gotton rid of. But it takes more time to sort through (trash/give away/keep or yes/no/maybe I can fit in later) than it does to just stick in a closet and forget about it.

I should be good at getting rid of junk. The women in my family are very good at minimalist living. My sister, who always looks fabulous btw, maintains a closet that actually has space between the hangers! And not a big closet either! And, I'll bet she even throws out her makeup at recommended intervals! My mom has always been one for clean and classic quality over quantity and my grandma Maggie ... never had a junk drawer in her life, cause she doesn't need one. She doesn't even have anything under her bed! Grandma Louva, although she does have a small collection of bells and a rather large collection of magnets...I think there is a fridge under there somewhere...but again, no junk drawer and nothing under her beds...no need! I have been getting better at this myself, thanks to Ben, who thinks you should only have as much stuff as you can physically move yourself. Must be the pioneer in him. Good luck moving that 50" TV buddy.

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